Thursday, August 23, 2012

somebody put me together

With great power comes great responsibility, and while being a responsible lass, I don't desire large doses of either, let me sleep so my teeth won't grind, right, I suck at dealing with data and spreadsheets and abstract financial figures, people, despite their occasional absurdity are way easier to deal with. I don't mind boring so long as it's not stressful and bureaucratic and I can go home and not panic about the next day or year or whatever. It'll all simmer down, but yeesh this is the stuff I can't stand. Give me boxes of papers and things to scan and I'll be happy, thanks.

So yeah, I'm tired from thinking too hard and staying up too late too often, and I'm ready already for a weekend, though it'll be anything but restful, involving a wedding of two people I love dearly and have long and tangled history with, and the weather is beautiful and I find myself testing the waters with new friendships and wishing everything wasn't so damn complicated, wondering if the signals are already crossed, and with life in general I wish that I had some clue what was going on instead of fumbling around and clinging for dear life to something I can't even see and trusting that the pieces will fall into place because despite the doubts they always do, it's just the getting there that's hard. 


  1. Reflective powers, activate: being a low-maintenance cool chick to geek out over art and tunes with is pretty much the accepted prerequisite for being assessed as possible girlfriend material. You're just going to have to accept it whether you like it or not in a given situation. Metal Dad hath spoken.

  2. making it up as we go with the bits and pieces at hand is pretty much how it goes I think, not a master-plan in sight...


  4. Considering over 50% of marriages end in divorce (there's those damn sats again) life is pretty much what you make it. So I take it your bed construction project isn't quite finished.
