Thursday, August 2, 2012

geekery abounds

Due to employ in the Booklie Arts, we are much amused by advertisements and gratuitous and superfluous usage of the Kynge's English to tout such remedies as are to be found in both the cosmos and in snake oil.
A letter to Thomas Roche, son of Peregrine Roche, Son of Peregrine Roche, Of the City of Dublin; who, being cured of a violent scorbutic disorder, has lately relapsed; and the Habit is now so confirmed, that he is deemed incurable, and must ever remain a very scrub. By Abraham Rye. To which is added, by way of Postscript, an affidavit from the man in the closet.

For the convenience of ships at sea : and for Domestic, and all other Occasions where Lemon Juice is used. Concrete, or Crystalised lemon juice; being the pure acid part of the fruit in a solid and dry form, Resembling in Appearance white sugar candy. Prepared only by H. Coxwell, No. 200, Temple-Bar

De morbis fœmineis, The womans counsellour: or, The feminine physitian, enlarged : Modestly treating of such occult accidents, and secret diseases, as are incident to that sex, which their too much modesty, too often to their sorrow, causes them to conceal. Discere quæ puduit, scribere jussit, &c. Also a supplement touching agues and feavers, usefully applicable to both sexes. Whereunto is added, The mans counsellonr , healing of ruptures, and particular diseases belonging to men. The fourth edition. By R. Turner. Philomath

 This is the myrrour or glasse of helth : necessary and nedefull for euery person to loke in that wil kepe their bodye from the syckenesse of the pestilence : and it sheweth how the planettes do raygne in euery houre of the daye and nyghte, with the natures and exposicio[n]s of the xii sygnes deuyded by the xii monethes of the yeare : and shewed the remedies for many dyers infirmities and dyseases that hurteth the bodye of manne...

A friend to the sick, or, The honest Englishman's preservation shewing the causes, symptoms, and cures of the most occult and dangerous diseases which affect the body of man : with a particular discourse of the dropsie, scurvy, and yellow jaundice, and the most absolute way of cure : whereunto is added a true relation of some of the most remarkable cures affected by the author's most famous cathartique and diueretique pills...

A new treatise on the method of curing the scurvy, leprosy, elephantiasis, and evil, with other cutaneous eruptions  Shewing the Rise and Progress of these Diseases, and by what Medicines they are cured. Illustrated By Many Cases extracted from the Writings of the most eminent Men of the Faculty, and the Author's own Observations and Advice. The whole Interspersed with Variety of efficacious Receipts, collected, and now published for the Good of the Public. The Second Edition. By L. Mardon, M. D


  1. This poast maie cvre boathe scurvie nd evill, but nay ricketes & prodooceth flesh as a procreeatyne ov the wyckyd!
